My Mothers’ Day in Thailand

For some reason it was difficult to start writing this post. I knew I would have to explain my relationship with Katan and I was resisting.

Today is the Thai queen’s birthday also known as Mothers’ Day in Thailand. All mothers receive the beautiful flower that you will see shortly.

We found Katan when she was 12. She is a tall girl so nobody guessed that she is a child working on the construction of the hotel. It turned out she was helping her mother out who had a baby a little while ago.

The deal was that Katan stops lifting heavy sand bags and instead she will look after her brother. Her mom got a job at the hotel and Katan came to see me for English lessons. A long story told short.

his is me with Katan on her 14th birthday. This was before we went to Spain. I am in my 2nd trimester here but you cannot tell.

his was what Katan looked like when I met her. They lived very close to this area and had to walk to the hotel for her English lessons. Her brother Tata was 1 year old at the time.

This is the first picture taken from today. My husband was kind enough to take pictures of the ritual.

She is saying a blessing. The whole thing was so beautiful.

Here are the two of us. Katan is wearing her school uniform by the way. She is dressed up to show respect. I am wearing a traditional North Thai skirt for the same reason (it was just my idea).

Zoárd woke up. My mominess doubled. HAHA

Happy Mothers’ Day!

Do you sometimes feel you are a mother to others as well?

9 thoughts on “My Mothers’ Day in Thailand

  1. You son is such a cutie! What you did for Katan and her family is heartwarming. She is a beautiful girl. Happy Mother’s Day!
    (By the way, if you are looking for another Thai mom, you should go check out the mama there just gave birth to a wonderful little boy and she has a really interesting blog!

  2. This story is so heartwarming. So Katan was serving as a replacement for her mother? I’m glad to hear that you took her in and offered to teach her English; both of your lives changed that day.


    • Yes, she was trying to help her mother.
      We payed for her books so she could go to school on Sundays and she still does that. Since she also started working at the hotel’s spa and she loves it. When her brother was born they used to live in the forest under tents so her life did change for the better and we are lucky we can witness this. 🙂

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