Which Country Are You in Now?!

The last time I wrote a post, we were in Spain. Now we are in Thailand again and in between we spent a few weeks in Hungary.

Zoard has been mainly busy adoring his grandmothers and we have been busy eating. Now that we are back in Thailand, we do not have grandparents to smile at and we hardly eat. Alright, I am exaggerating…


We came back to Samui five days ago and I have been taking an advantage of the weather here. Sure it rains a lot but who can complain when we do not need to wear tights anymore. Unless we want to wear tights…


I take a lot of pictures for the sweet shops that send us clothes for Zoard to promote and I like to make it fun for Zoard so basically I let him do whatever pleases him. Unless I ask him to stand in front of a wall I really like in which case there is no guarantee that he will turn his cheeks so that the sunlight can fall evenly on him… But that is my problem, not his. HAHA


Now let us discuss my NEXT post. I would like to write an update about Zoard since he will be 2 years old 2 days from now. Any questions or topics that come to Your mind?
I will probably look at the milestones of a 2 year old but if You wish to draw my attention to something, do not hesitate to comment.

Oh and I changed our Instagram username to ZOARDMINIBOY.

Thank you for reading!!!


Message in The…

…Sand. We live on an island so this is a good way to communicate, right?!

I met this really nice couple yesterday at the beach. They have a cute daughter called Michelle who started off our blooming friendship by giving Zoard a flower. Shortly after this, Zoard gave her a seashell.  We talked, we joked around and then we had to go quickly and all I said was, we will see you around at this same beach, right?! And they nodded. Firmly. I am not mistaken.

Zoard and I walked back to the same spot in the morning and I was very disappointed to find an empty beach. Fortunately there was a bamboo stick laying in the sand so I wrote them the following:

G + A + M (the mother is Gala and the father is Alex)
After 4?

Zoard and I got ready a few minutes before 4 o’clock. Zoárd suggested we take a present:

But we ended up taking a coin as our first playdate gift which later Zoárd became unsure about:


Most of my message vanished by the time we got there except maybe for the essence of it…


However G, A and little M never showed up.

There were plenty of airplanes to spot so I am not saying we did not have a good time…


I explained to Zoárd how trees grow out of a seed…


We did other “stuff” as well:


And we kept our spirit up:


So I know what you are all asking to yourself. Could this be another message to A, G and M?!
And the answer is, of course!!!!
See you tomorrow after 4….

********************************** Find us on Instagram: krokovayeszter is my username *********************************

A Day in The Hotel We Live in

When you live in a five star hotel, nobody else has to feel empathy towards you. Seriously. I UNDERSTAND. Why would anyone think about how it must be tough for us that we sometimes lack privacy? I am not comparing ourselves to celebrities but I too have to think twice once I leave our room.

When more than 100 people work for a hotel, you know you will bump in to someone in less than two minutes. This is why, I decided to start a mini project. I will take pictures of Zoard interacting with others. 

Zoard likes to make the first move towards others. Once he has done this, he is really kind and friendly. The challenge for me is to make the situation not so uncomfortable when someone is too eager to become BBF with Zoard. 

Zoard likes it when he can watch someone or even help out like he did today. Picking grass with one of the gardeners was something that really suited him:

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

He prefers to be independent and he does not stand in line to be picked up with a few exceptions. All buggy (golf cart that takes the guests up and down the mountain) drivers are a saint and he knows that hanging out with them is a treat. So even if others are decorating the reception (which is also quite cool…) he will prefer a saintly driver:

others (3)

others bee

If I am not around, which is almost never than selfies are popular with Zoard but how much nicer it is when I offer to take a picture (which I will do more in the future).

others harris

How would you describe your child when it comes to socializing?