How To Dress Boys – Men of The Future Part 2

A little over a year ago I wrote the first part of this post. And now that Zoard is a brand representative I feel even more eager to show the parents with sons to be more brave when it comes to dressing their boys.

You can see pictures of Zoard from the first post HERE.

I would like to start by showing off a pair of leggings and beanies that were made by Wild Little Ones Apparel. I know that you will ask me about their website… Click HERE please.


Unless you put your kids only in black clothes, you are already buying clothes that are blue or green or navy etc. So you already conquered your fear of colors, right?! Next step is to befriend patterns. If you are comfortable with seeing animals or cars on your son, start with that then!

You might have a strange smile on your face right now and ask the same question a friend of mine asked me. “Can boys wear leggings?” Well think about boys and earrings… For some boys, guys and men earrings are super cool so yes, leggings are very much trendy nowadays and they became unisex.


If you feel that you would like to experiment with leggings and beanies but you are not sure where to start then start with black.


And you will see that you will reach the advanced level in just a few weeks.

romper and rocks (Large)

I picked out this picture on purpose to provoke you. Never be boring! Life is interesting and awesome why not dress your children accordingly…

Check out my post on How Important is Gender to You it relates to this topic…

You can find us on Instagram. My username is krokovayeszter.

Thank you for visiting and please comment below if you wish to. xoxo



I am Looking for a Penfriend for my Baby

I really think Zoard should socialize with other toddlers so if you know one… who happens to be in Bangkok.

Yes, we are currently in Bangkok so please make sure the toddler you find us is also here. Preferably near a BTS station. You think I should be slightly more flexible?! OK a baby near an MRT station is also welcomed.

Zoard will be 20 months old in a week or so.
He is very chatty so to show you how really flexible I am Your toddler does not have to be a great penpal but he or she should be able to speak some English. Zoard can say around 300 words now so your baby should know at least 30. Or 13.
Zoard currently loves vans with slide doors, long red buses, pink taxis and dark blue cars. Elevators and escalators are a plus.
Please do not bring any sugar to the play date. If you insist on bringing some snacks to share, how about some apples, oranges or rambutan…

We could meet anywhere as long as climbing, running, jumping, going under pillow bridges is involved.

Your toddler is not stylish?! No worries! There is no judging on our part but if you are wondering where Zoard’s organic cotton leggings and beanies are from… Check out Littlefaces.

jenn (1)
Call us.

perfect shouting
Or give us a shout.

Find Zoard on Instagram:    krokovayeszter is my username. 

Have a loving day!!!