What is Your Hobby?

Good news: I do not have many hobbies at the moment so this post will not be as long as the previous one.

Besides, the obvious that I love taking pictures, emailing, blogging I think that it is important for me to have a proper hobby.

Coming up with funny pictures to take of your baby does help you spend time but your baby might not like your projects at all times… Though he did not complain, honestly…

And even if Zoárd would agree to be part of my self-entertainment for the rest of my life, I feel the need to do something else.

A couple of days ago I started visiting the hotel’s bar. Some stairs were built very close to our room so now I have no excuse not to go. And I realized that a guy called Ake makes the perfect half-shot latte for me. By shot I mean coffee shot…

Today is Ake’s day off so I might skip my latte break until he comes back. That is what loyal customers do you know.

So Zoárd’s fans will have to spend a day without him.

Now that I made it clear that taking pictures and drinking coffee is NOT my hobby then maybe I should announce that I picked yoga as my hobby. 

For me it is very important to be able to exercise regularly. And yoga can also be done dynamically. I am burning calories for sure when I am in class which is a 90 minutes class held at the hotel’s yoga studio. (I never said I would be bored if I would be a guest at the hotel we live in.)

I came up with my personal goal. I would like my shoulders to be more open. 

Yoga is a way to work my body. I like to dress up nicely for the classes (I prefer beyondyoga and Nike) and a good class for me is when the teacher makes me sweat. I am not spiritual.

Here is an example of a yoga top I have.

I drink water only after class. Never during yoga. This is how I was taught by my first yoga masters on this island and this approach works for me.

Here I am with my first teacher, Mon. She is one of a kind. This picture was taken 3 years ago. (And if you look at my feet on other pictures of me you will find that I am still rocking a Birkenstock -something I never thought I would do when I was an über-serious city chick…HAHA)

This will not be a nostalgia post but I dug out this picture because I wanted to show You where I do yoga. (The picture was taken before I got pregnant.)
See the salt bricks in the back?

My yoga baby is asking me to stop writing this post…

What is your hobby?

39 thoughts on “What is Your Hobby?

    • I started doing yoga here in Thailand about three years ago. Since I am participating in a class that is for the hotel’s guests I do not want Zoárd to be there. I tried it a couple of times when he was younger but it did not work out well. The yoga studio has great acoustics and Zoárd loves to show off his voice. Do you do yoga with your 10 months old?

  1. I tried yoga but it never really worked for me. I like my heartbeat racing away and am more an adrenalin junkie. But I can totally see the appeal if yoga.
    Great photos as always.

      • Hot yoga is bikram yoga right? Oh my god. I was like the only person not sweating in that room. Seriously. I was like “well it’s warm but I like it.”
        I am cold at 20 degrees. Did I ever tell you about the time in the Sahara my husband almost died of heatstroke but I was happily just walking and walking not believing he was too got? I kid you not. I am a lizard.

      • HAHA
        I love heat too. And after 3 years of Arizona I often felt cold in Europe.
        Yes, hot yoga is also known as bikram yoga.
        What type of exercise do you fancy the most?

  2. I am a musician though I haven’t really had (I mean, taken) the time to play since the little guy was born. I also enjoy scrapbooking and reading. I would say that my new hobby is blogging though. It makes me feel good and it is something that I do regularly.

    I love that photo of your son sleeping with all of those stuffed animals on him!

  3. Pilates is my thing 😉 doesn’t teach me quite as nice poses though (i like the yoga poses of your yoga baby!)! kickboxing was and would be too for me but i don’t have the time now. But knitting is relaxing and another type of hobby.

  4. Some nice pics in this post, and as always a good idea.
    I have or I had too much hobbies. I do this blog-thing and don’t know why. I’ve always photographed, sometimes more, sometimes less. But because of the less time I have to connect my hobbies.
    OK, I go running, I try to run 3 times a week, 10 weeks before a long run 4 times. Sometimes I take a small cam with me to do my photos on my route (http://wp.me/p348QE-Kb). And because I was interested in watching the stars (astronomy), I come back at night and do more photos (http://wp.me/p348QE-UJ). Sometimes I’m cooking and baking (plum cake, you remember?).
    I like music and concerts and sometimes cinema. It never stops, it’s never enough. That’s it.

    • Thank you for the detailed comment, I enjoyed reading it and your pictures are wonderful as always! And yes, I remember your plum cake very much! 😉
      Running is great, when is your next long run?

      • Don’t know exactly. Next May or June perhaps a halfmarathon and in September or October perhaps a full one. I should do a little more, the last weeks I was lazy…very lazy.

  5. Hmm, hobbies..That’s what you do in your spare time right? Joking aside I guess by that definition my main hobby at the moment is blogging followed by exercising and trying to work out how to use my camera (I won;t quite call it photography yet but one day..). Glad the e-card found its way to you – better late than never 🙂 xxx

  6. I want to let you know that I’ve been nominated for the Inner Peace and Sunshine Award by Come What May Girls. I’d like to pass on the sunshine and nominate YOU for the award! You always bring a little bit of sunshine into my life and the way your write exemplifies inner peace! Congratulations! You can view the post here with your nomination: http://turquoisecompass.com/2013/11/15/inner-peace-sunshine-award/
    Hopefully you will pass on the blogger lovins’ as well.
    P.S. My hobby is traveling

  7. LOL I love your “yoga baby” photo at the end. While I exercise regularly, I have never seriously tried yoga. I would really like to do so, though. It seems like it would be a peaceful yet physically rigorous workout option. Thanks for sharing your experiences; yoga seems like a great hobby!

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