What It is Like to Live in a Hotel

I wrote a lot about the topic of living in a five star hotel since this is what we did, when Zoard was much younger.
If you are curious about our past, you can read about it here.

As life got more and more complicated, I started blogging less about our personal life. However, I do realize that it is super interesting how we live!

We decided not to live anymore at my husband’s work place. It makes lot of things easier to be close by but it makes separating our personal life from work almost impossible.

We still have a swimming pool we can use:


A housekeeper does come by every day if you were wondering. Mostly to give us some bottled water and they sweep the floor and wash the dishes.

Tidying up is our responsibility and we are very good at it. At the end of the day. If you look during the day…


And our postal address is still something you have to ask us about before you go sending us treats because we travel a lot.


And if you ask me what we do all day long. Well, I play school with Zoard, I read to him a lot. You cannot imagine… And we talk a lot. He likes to talk about his books and he makes it clear which one he wishes me to do. So he either tells me to read to him or talk about it.

This is a picture that shows how we just sometimes hang around.


As you can see, Zoard is not in to family pictures since he became a toddler. The irony of it is that I take pictures of him daily. And we come up with some funny stuff as topics when we are not taking pictures for shops.